Retrieve Cart Price Rule Data by ID in Magento 2

Retrieve Cart Price Rule Data by ID in Magento 2

To retrieve cart price rule data in Magento 2, you need the sales rule ID. Using the RuleRepositoryInterface, you can fetch rule details like name, conditions, discounts, and usage limits.

Retrieve Cart Price Rule Data by ID in Magento 2

To access cart price rule details in Magento 2, you'll need the specific sales rule ID. Here's a straightforward method to fetch this data:

Code Implementation:


namespace YourNamespace\SalesRule\Model;

use Magento\SalesRule\Api\RuleRepositoryInterface;

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

use Magento\SalesRule\Api\Data\RuleInterface;

class SalesRuleById


private LoggerInterface $logger;

private RuleRepositoryInterface $ruleRepository;

public function __construct(

LoggerInterface $logger,

RuleRepositoryInterface $ruleRepository

) {

$this->logger = $logger;

$this->ruleRepository = $ruleRepository;


public function getRuleData(int $ruleId): ?RuleInterface


try {

return $this->ruleRepository->getById($ruleId);

} catch (\Exception $e) {

$this->logger->error(__('Error fetching rule: %1', $e->getMessage()));

return null;





$ruleId = 1;

$salesRuleData = $this->getRuleData($ruleId);

if ($salesRuleData) {

echo $salesRuleData->getName();



  • Namespace Declaration: Replace YourNamespace with your actual namespace.
  • Dependencies: The class uses RuleRepositoryInterface to fetch rule data and LoggerInterface for logging errors.
  • Constructor: Initializes the logger and rule repository.
  • getRuleData Method: Attempts to retrieve the sales rule by ID. If successful, it returns the rule data; otherwise, it logs the error and returns null.

Additional Information

To retrieve specific properties of the sales rule, such as the description or conditions, you can use methods like getDescription() or getConditionsSerialized() on the $salesRuleData object. Ensure that the rule ID you provide exists in your Magento 2 setup to avoid exceptions.


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How Can I Retrieve Cart Price Rule Data by ID in Magento 2?

You can fetch cart price rule details in Magento 2 using the sales rule ID. The RuleRepositoryInterface allows you to retrieve rule data programmatically.

What PHP Code Can I Use to Get Cart Price Rule Data?

Use the following PHP code to fetch cart price rule details:

$ruleId = 1;
$salesRuleData = $this->getRuleData($ruleId);

if ($salesRuleData) {
    echo $salesRuleData->getName();

Which Magento Interface Is Used to Retrieve Sales Rule Data?

The Magento\SalesRule\Api\RuleRepositoryInterface is used to fetch cart price rule data by rule ID.

How Can I Handle Errors While Fetching Cart Price Rule Data?

Wrap the API call inside a try-catch block to handle exceptions:

try {
    $salesRule = $this->ruleRepository->getById($ruleId);
} catch (Exception $e) {

Where Is Cart Price Rule Data Stored in Magento 2?

Cart price rule details are stored in the salesrule table in the Magento database.

What Happens If the Given Rule ID Does Not Exist?

If the rule ID is invalid or does not exist, the getById() method will throw an exception. Ensure the ID is correct before calling the method.