Tier Prices Are Rendered

How Tier Prices Are Rendered on the Product Page in Magento 2

In Magento 2, tier pricing is a powerful feature that allows store owners to offer dynamic discounts based on purchase quantity and customer groups. This functionality not only promotes bulk purchases but also boosts customer engagement by personalizing pricing. Here's an in-depth look into how tier prices are rendered, configured, and customized in Magento 2.

What Are Tier Prices in Magento 2?

Tier pricing in Magento 2 is a dynamic pricing strategy that allows store owners to offer quantity-based discounts tailored to customer groups. By setting thresholds, merchants can incentivize bulk purchases while providing personalized pricing for different customer segments.

For example:

  • Buy 5 for $40 each and save 10%
  • Buy 10 for $35 each and save 20%

This pricing model is displayed on the product page, enabling customers to easily understand the benefits of buying in larger quantities.

How Tier Pricing Works in Magento 2

  • Quantity Thresholds: Discounts are applied when a customer purchases quantities meeting or exceeding a specified number.
  • Customer Group Targeting: Merchants can configure tier pricing for specific groups like Retailers, Wholesalers, or General customers.
  • Dynamic Updates: Magento adjusts the price dynamically on the product page and in the shopping cart based on quantity.
  • Configuration: Tier pricing is configured via the Advanced Pricing section in the admin panel for individual products or imported in bulk using CSV files.

Benefits of Tier Pricing

Benefit Description
Encourages Bulk Purchases Motivates customers to buy in larger quantities, increasing average order value.
Supports Customer Group Pricing Offers personalized discounts to Retailers, Wholesalers, etc.
Flexible Marketing Tool Ideal for seasonal promotions or volume discounts.
Boosts Inventory Turnover Helps move slow-moving inventory faster.
Improves Customer Satisfaction Transparent bulk discounts build trust and loyalty.
Integration with APIs and PWAs Seamless integration for advanced headless commerce setups.

Advanced Features of Tier Pricing

Customer-Specific Pricing

  • Set unique tier pricing for individual customers for personalized offers.

GraphQL and API Support

  • Tier pricing data can be fetched using GraphQL or REST APIs, enabling integration with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) or third-party applications.

Bulk Management

  • Magento allows for CSV imports to manage tier pricing for multiple products, saving time for large catalogs.

Customizable Display

  • Tier pricing can be styled or adjusted on the frontend for better user experience. For instance, displaying the savings percentage alongside the tier prices.

Quick Tip

Always test tier pricing for different customer groups and quantities before launching it live. Use Magento’s built-in preview and testing tools to ensure accurate calculations and seamless display on the product page and cart.

Tier pricing in Magento 2 is not just a pricing tool—it’s a strategic asset for driving sales, building customer loyalty, and achieving business goals. By leveraging its full potential, store owners can enhance their marketing efforts and customer engagement effectively.

Rendering Tier Prices on the Product Page in Magento 2

Tier prices are dynamically displayed on the product page using a combination of templates, layout XML files, and price rendering classes. This ensures a seamless and user-friendly display of quantity-based discounts to customers.

Core Components Involved in Rendering Tier Prices

Component Purpose
tier_prices.phtml Template file responsible for rendering tier prices below the main product price.
catalog_product_prices.xml Layout XML file defining how different price types, including tier prices, are displayed.
Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render Class that handles rendering of product prices, including the logic for tier prices.
Magento\Catalog\Helper\Product Helper class to retrieve tier price data and format it for display.
Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\TierPrices Block class providing tier pricing data to the tier_prices.phtml template.

How Tier Prices Are Displayed

  • Dynamic Rendering: Tier prices are rendered below the product price dynamically, based on the customer's selected quantity and customer group.
  • Formatting: The tier pricing message highlights the quantity threshold, the price per unit, and the savings percentage.
  • Responsiveness: The display adapts to both desktop and mobile views to ensure clear visibility of discounts.

Default Tier Price Example on the Product Page

When tier pricing is applied, it appears with a clear message below the product price. For instance:

Buy 5 for $40 each and save 10%.

This message is generated dynamically based on the tier price configuration in the admin panel.

Customizing the Display of Tier Prices

You can customize the display of tier prices on the product page using the following methods:

Override tier_prices.phtml:

  • Copy the tier_prices.phtml file to your custom theme.
  • Add your own HTML and logic to change how the tier prices are displayed.

Modify Layout XML:

  • Update catalog_product_prices.xml to reposition the tier price block or add additional blocks.

Use Plugins or Preferences:

  • Extend the Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\TierPrices block to customize how data is retrieved and passed to the template.

Update CSS/JS:

  • Style the tier price display for better UX using custom CSS.
  • Use JavaScript to create interactive features like quantity-based auto-updates.

Tip for Best Practices

Ensure your tier pricing logic is consistent across all channels, including APIs, PWAs, and third-party integrations. Use Magento's pricing APIs to synchronize data and maintain accuracy across the storefront and backend systems.

XML Configuration for Tier Price Rendering

In Magento 2, the catalog_product_prices.xml file located within the Catalog module is responsible for defining how product prices—including tier prices—are displayed on the product detail page. This XML configuration controls the rendering behavior for prices, allowing store owners to customize how tier prices are presented, whether they should be shown below the main price or integrated into other pricing blocks.

Purpose of the XML Configuration:

  • Control the display of tier prices: This configuration dictates how different prices, such as the regular price, special price, and tier prices, will be rendered in the product detail page.
  • Customizable presentation: The XML configuration enables developers to define various templates and handle settings that ensure tier prices appear in the most user-friendly format.
  • Integration with Pricing Handles: The price_render_handle argument allows integration with different pricing display strategies, and it can be customized for various price-related templates.
  • Enhance User Experience: Properly rendering tier prices helps customers understand potential savings and encourages bulk purchases, thereby boosting sales.

Example XML Configuration for Tier Prices:

<block class="Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render" name="product.price.render.default">


<argument name="price_render_handle" xsi:type="string">catalog_product_prices</argument>

<argument name="use_link_for_as_low_as" xsi:type="boolean">true</argument>

<argument name="tier_price_label" xsi:type="string">Buy 5 for %1 each and save %2%</argument>



Explanation of the Configuration:

Configuration Component Explanation
<block class="Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render" name="product.price.render.default"> This block defines the class responsible for rendering the prices. The Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render class handles various pricing elements and ensures they are displayed according to the given configuration.
<argument name="price_render_handle" xsi:type="string">catalog_product_prices</argument> This argument specifies the price rendering handle. The handle connects the XML to the relevant pricing templates, allowing Magento to use the catalog_product_prices layout handle for price display.
<argument name="use_link_for_as_low_as" xsi:type="boolean">true</argument> This setting controls whether the "As Low As" link should be used for displaying tier prices. If set to true, Magento will display the tier prices with an "As Low As" label, allowing customers to see discounted prices when they buy in bulk.
<argument name="tier_price_label" xsi:type="string"> The tier_price_label argument customizes how the tier price label is presented. The example above dynamically displays the tier price format (e.g., "Buy 5 for $40 each and save 10%").

Customizing Tier Price Display:

Magento 2 offers flexibility to display tier prices based on various conditions. For example:

  • Display tier prices only for certain customer groups: You can set the pricing logic to show tier prices only to specific customer groups such as wholesalers or retailers.
  • Conditional Rendering: The tier price display can be conditionally rendered based on the product's stock status, availability, or other custom factors using additional XML arguments and custom blocks.

Tip: Customizing Tier Price Display in Magento 2

Magento 2 allows you to customize tier price display for a more personalized shopping experience. You can show tier prices for specific customer groups, such as wholesalers or retailers, by setting custom pricing logic. Additionally, take advantage of conditional rendering to display tier prices based on product stock status or availability. Use additional XML arguments and custom blocks to fine-tune these conditions and create a seamless, targeted pricing experience for your customers.

Further Configuration and Customization:

  • Custom Price Templates: Developers can create custom templates for tier pricing to provide a more tailored experience, including integrating special offers and promotional messages.
  • Advanced Price Handling: In more complex stores, you may need to extend or override default Magento functionality to handle special price scenarios, such as product bundles or configurable products with tiered pricing.

By utilizing the XML configuration file, store owners and developers can fully customize the presentation of tier prices, which directly impacts user engagement and sales performance.

Templates for Different Product Types in Magento 2

Magento 2 uses different templates to render tier prices based on the product type. This allows store owners to ensure that the tier price rendering aligns with the specific product's layout and configuration. By leveraging these templates, Magento dynamically adjusts the display of tier prices depending on whether the product is simple, configurable, grouped, downloadable, or a bundle product.

Product Type Template Mapping

Product Type Template Path
Simple vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/base/layout/catalog_product_prices.xml
Grouped vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/base/layout/catalog_product_prices.xml
Configurable vendor/magento/module-configurable-product/view/base/layout/catalog_product_prices.xml
Bundle vendor/magento/module-bundle/view/base/layout/catalog_product_prices.xml

Code Example for Customizing Tier Prices

To display tier prices for different product types, you can adjust the template files associated with each type. Below are examples of how you might customize tier price rendering for Simple, Grouped, Configurable, and Bundle products.

1. Simple and Grouped Products

For simple and grouped products, you will modify the catalog_product_prices.xml located in vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/base/layout/:

<block class="Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render" name="product.price.render.default">


<argument name="price_render_handle" xsi:type="string">catalog_product_prices</argument>

<argument name="use_link_for_as_low_as" xsi:type="boolean">true</argument>



  • Explanation: This code renders the tier prices with a link to the "As Low As" price if it's enabled.

2. Configurable Products

For configurable products, Magento uses a different template path (catalog_product_prices.xml under the configurable product module). You can customize tier prices as follows:

<block class="Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render" name="product.price.render.default">


<argument name="price_render_handle" xsi:type="string">catalog_product_prices</argument>

<argument name="use_link_for_as_low_as" xsi:type="boolean">false</argument>



  • Explanation: This configuration ensures that the tier price is rendered for configurable products with the "As Low As" label disabled.

3. Bundle Products

For bundle products, you will modify the catalog_product_prices.xml file under vendor/magento/module-bundle/view/base/layout/:

<block class="Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render" name="product.price.render.default">


<argument name="price_render_handle" xsi:type="string">catalog_product_prices</argument>

<argument name="use_link_for_as_low_as" xsi:type="boolean">true</argument>



  • Explanation: This renders tier pricing with the "As Low As" feature enabled for bundle products.

Tip: Customizing Tier Price Display Based on Product Types

Ensure that you are configuring the correct templates for the appropriate product types (simple, grouped, configurable, and bundle) in your Magento store. Using the right XML layout files and arguments will give you full control over how tier prices are displayed on the product pages. For optimal customization, you can also conditionally render tier prices based on factors such as stock status, customer groups, and more.

By setting up tier prices properly for each product type, you can offer more tailored pricing and improve the shopping experience for your customers.

Steps to Customize Tier Price Rendering in Magento 2

1. Override the Template

Copy the default tier_prices.phtml template to your custom theme. This preserves Magento’s core files and allows for safe modifications.

Example path for overriding:


In this file, you can customize the HTML and logic for displaying tier prices.

2. Modify Layout XML

Update your theme's or custom module's layout XML to use the newly overridden template. This ensures Magento references your custom template during rendering.

Example XML:

<referenceBlock name="product.info.tierprice">

<action method="setTemplate">

<argument name="template" xsi:type="string">Vendor_Module::product/price/custom_tier_prices.phtml</argument>



3. Add Custom Logic in PHP

If advanced customization is needed, extend or modify the pricing renderer class Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render. This allows you to:

  • Add conditional logic for tier price rendering based on customer groups, stock status, or promotional rules.
  • Integrate custom attributes or fields into tier price calculations.

Example: Create a plugin for Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render to alter tier price rendering dynamically.

4. Update the Cache

After implementing changes, refresh the Magento cache to ensure the updates are visible on the storefront.


bin/magento cache:flush

Additional Considerations

  • Multi-Store Setup: Ensure the customization supports multi-store environments by testing tier price rendering across different stores.
  • Customer-Specific Pricing: Use Magento’s customer group pricing to display tier prices for specific groups (e.g., wholesalers, retailers).
  • Dynamic Labels: Customize tier price labels, such as "Buy More, Save More" or "Special Bulk Pricing," to enhance customer engagement.
  • PWA Integration: For headless commerce setups, ensure your customizations align with API responses and frontend frameworks like React or Vue.js.


Best Practice: Always test customizations in a staging environment to avoid disruptions in your live store. Use Magento’s developer mode to troubleshoot errors and verify functionality.

Steps to Customize Tier Prices

Step Description
Override the Template Copy the default tier_prices.phtml file to your custom theme at app/design/frontend/{Vendor}/{Theme}/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/price/tier_prices.phtml.
Modify Layout XML Update the layout XML to reference your custom template using setTemplate action.
Add Custom Logic in PHP Create plugins or overrides for Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render to implement advanced logic.
Update the Cache Refresh Magento’s cache using bin/magento cache:flush to apply changes.
Test Across Environments Verify customizations in multi-store setups and test customer-specific tier pricing.

Custom XML Update

<page xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">


<referenceBlock name="product.info.tierprice">

<action method="setTemplate">

<argument name="template" xsi:type="string">Vendor_Module::product/price/custom_tier_prices.phtml</argument>





Benefits of Customizing Tier Prices

  • Personalized Pricing: Provide tailored tier prices to different customer groups to increase sales.
  • Improved Marketing: Use custom labels and designs to make tier prices more appealing.
  • Stock Optimization: Encourage bulk purchases of specific products to manage inventory better.
  • Brand Identity: Align tier price display with your store’s overall theme and branding.

Best Practices for Tier Pricing in Magento 2

1. Optimize for SEO

  • Descriptive Labels: Use labels that are keyword-rich and actionable, such as:
    • "Buy More, Save More! Get 5 for $40 each."
    • "Bulk Discounts Available – Save Up to 15%!"
  • Meta Description: Ensure the tier pricing benefits are highlighted in the product's meta description.
    Example: "Buy premium t-shirts in bulk and save up to 20%! Perfect for group events or giveaways."
  • Structured Data Markup: Use schema.org to include tier pricing in your product markup, enhancing visibility in search results.

2. Highlight Savings

  • Visual Indicators: Use bold text, different colors, or icons to make savings stand out.
    Example: "Save 15% on orders of 10 or more!" in green or red text.
  • Breakdown Savings: Show a side-by-side comparison of regular and discounted prices to emphasize the value.
    Example: "Regular Price: $50 each | Tier Price: $40 each (Save 20%)".
  • Real-Time Updates: If using dynamic product configuration, ensure the savings adjust in real time as customers modify quantities.

3. Dynamic Updates

  • AJAX Integration: Tier pricing should update dynamically on product pages, especially for configurable products or when using AJAX carts.
  • Cart Page Synchronization: Ensure that tier pricing is consistent between the product page, cart, and checkout.
  • Cross-Sell Opportunities: Dynamically suggest products with tier pricing during checkout or in related product sections.

4. Test Across Multiple Devices

  • Responsive Design: Verify that tier prices render properly on all devices, including desktop, mobile, and tablet.
  • Mobile Optimizations: Ensure tier pricing is easy to read and doesn’t overlap with other product details on small screens.
  • Browser Compatibility: Test tier pricing on popular browsers like Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox.


Always Use Testing Environments: Before deploying tier pricing customizations, test them thoroughly in a staging environment. Validate functionality with different customer groups, store views, and cart configurations to ensure accuracy.

Best Practices for Tier Pricing

Best Practice Details
Optimize for SEO Use keyword-rich, actionable labels and structured data markup to improve visibility.
Highlight Savings Emphasize discounts with bold text, colors, and comparison breakdowns.
Dynamic Updates Ensure tier pricing updates dynamically with AJAX and is consistent across pages.
Test Across Devices Verify tier pricing displays correctly on all devices and browsers.
Leverage Customer Groups Offer special tier prices to wholesalers, VIP customers, or other groups.
Combine with Promotions Create stackable discounts or limited-time tier pricing offers.
Provide Clear Communication Use tooltips, FAQs, or pop-ups to explain tier pricing benefits and rules.

Common Challenges and Solutions in Tier Pricing

Challenge Solution
Tier prices not showing for configurable products. Check the catalog_product_prices.xml file for the correct render class and template path. Ensure the file is properly merged if customizations exist.
Discounts not calculating correctly. Verify tier price settings in the Admin Panel under Catalog > Products. Double-check if pricing rules are correctly configured and not conflicting with cart rules.
Customization conflicts with other modules. Create a custom module to override templates and layout files, ensuring modularity and avoiding potential conflicts with third-party extensions.
Tier prices not updating dynamically in AJAX-based carts. Implement proper event listeners and ensure tier price updates are triggered via AJAX when quantity or configuration changes.
Tier price display issues on mobile devices. Test and adjust CSS to ensure tier prices are readable and correctly displayed on smaller screens. Use responsive design principles.

Tip: Debug Using Developer Mode:

Switch your Magento store to Developer Mode while troubleshooting tier pricing issues. This allows you to identify XML conflicts, layout rendering errors, or missing template files efficiently.


To enhance your eCommerce store’s performance with Magento, focus on optimizing site speed by utilizing Emmo themes and extensions. These tools are designed for efficiency, ensuring your website loads quickly and provides a smooth user experience. Start leveraging Emmo's powerful solutions today to boost customer satisfaction and drive sales!


Tier pricing in Magento 2 serves as a versatile feature to incentivize bulk purchases, improve customer engagement, and provide flexible promotional opportunities. By mastering its configuration and customization, you can harness its potential to significantly enhance the shopping experience while driving higher revenue.

Key insights, such as the ability to render tier prices dynamically, customize templates for different product types, and integrate personalized pricing strategies for customer groups, allow you to tailor this feature to your business needs. Advanced techniques, like modifying the tier_prices.phtml template and leveraging layout XML for dynamic rendering, enable store owners to create a seamless and appealing interface for shoppers.

To ensure success:

  • Focus on optimizing tier pricing for SEO by using compelling, descriptive labels like "Buy More, Save More."
  • Emphasize savings clearly by displaying the percentage or amount saved.
  • Regularly test across devices to ensure proper rendering and functionality, especially for AJAX-based updates and configurable products.
  • Address challenges such as display issues or conflicting customizations by adhering to modular design principles and verifying your setup.

When implemented effectively, tier pricing not only increases your store’s profitability by driving bulk purchases but also enhances customer trust and loyalty. It is a strategic asset for competitive eCommerce stores aiming to deliver value-driven shopping experiences that align with customer expectations.


What is Tier Pricing in Magento 2?

Tier pricing in Magento 2 allows store owners to set different prices based on the quantity purchased. It encourages customers to buy in bulk by offering discounts at various quantity levels.

How do I enable Tier Pricing for products in Magento 2?

To enable tier pricing, go to the product page in the Magento admin panel, scroll to the 'Advanced Pricing' section, and input the quantity and price breaks for different customer groups.

What types of products can have Tier Pricing in Magento 2?

Tier pricing can be applied to Simple, Configurable, Grouped, and Bundle products in Magento 2, but not to Virtual or Downloadable products.

Can I customize the tier price display template in Magento 2?

Yes, you can customize the tier price display template by overriding the tier_prices.phtml file in your theme or custom module.

How do I show tier prices only for specific customer groups in Magento 2?

Use the customer group-specific pricing settings in the Magento admin panel. You can set different prices for different customer groups, such as Retailers or Wholesalers, and restrict tier pricing based on these groups.

How can I render tier prices for configurable products?

For configurable products, you need to ensure that the tier prices are included in the product's attribute settings and that the relevant template is correctly referenced in the layout XML files.

What is the role of catalog_product_prices.xml in rendering tier prices?

The catalog_product_prices.xml file in Magento defines how prices, including tier prices, are displayed on the product page. It helps associate pricing templates with layout handles.

How can I display the "As Low As" price for tier pricing?

In your layout XML, you can set the "use_link_for_as_low_as" argument to true, which will display the "As Low As" label alongside tier prices for qualifying products.

Can tier prices be used with discount rules in Magento 2?

Yes, you can combine tier pricing with promotional discount rules. However, be cautious of conflicts between the two and ensure the correct configuration in the Magento admin panel.

How do I ensure tier prices are shown correctly on mobile devices?

Test the tier price display on mobile devices to ensure responsive design. Magento 2 themes usually handle responsiveness, but customization may require CSS adjustments for mobile optimization.

Can I apply a tier price discount to a product's final price after a coupon is applied?

Yes, Magento 2 allows tier pricing to be combined with other discounts, including coupon codes. The discount logic will be applied based on your settings in the shopping cart and product configurations.

Is it possible to display tier pricing with a percentage discount in Magento 2?

Yes, Magento 2 allows you to display tier prices with a percentage discount. You can configure the discount percentage when setting the tier pricing for each quantity level.

How can I integrate tier pricing with a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

Integrating tier pricing with a PWA requires customization of your PWA's frontend code to support dynamic price updates and ensure tier prices are displayed correctly based on the quantity selected in the cart.