Retrieve RMA Attribute Options by Code in Magento 2

Retrieve RMA Attribute Options by Code in Magento 2

In Magento 2, you can fetch all available options for a specific Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) attribute using the Magento\Eav\Api\AttributeOptionManagementInterface. This allows you to retrieve option IDs and their corresponding labels for attributes like condition, resolution, reason, and reason_other.

Retrieve RMA Attribute Options by Code in Magento 2

To access all Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) attribute options in Magento 2, utilize theMagento\Eav\Api\AttributeOptionManagementInterface.Magento Commerce's native RMA includes four primary attribute codes: resolution, condition, reason, and reason_other.



namespace Vendor\Module\Model;

use Magento\Eav\Api\AttributeOptionManagementInterface;

use Magento\Rma\Api\RmaAttributesManagementInterface;

use Magento\Framework\Exception\InputException;

use Magento\Framework\Exception\StateException;

class RmaAttributeOption


private AttributeOptionManagementInterface $attributeOptionManagement;

public function __construct(

AttributeOptionManagementInterface $attributeOptionManagement

) {

$this->attributeOptionManagement = $attributeOptionManagement;



* Retrieve all options for a given RMA attribute code.


* @param string $attributeCode

* @return array

* @throws InputException

* @throws StateException


public function getRmaAttributeOptions(string $attributeCode): array


$options = $this->attributeOptionManagement->getItems(




$rmaOptions = [];

foreach ($options as $option) {

$rmaOptions[$option->getValue()] = strtolower($option->getLabel());


return $rmaOptions;



Usage Example

To fetch options for the condition attribute:

$rmaAttributeCode = 'condition';

$rmaOptions = $this->getRmaAttributeOptions($rmaAttributeCode);

Sample Output



[7] => unopened

[9] => damaged

[8] => opened


In this array, keys represent option_id, and values are the corresponding option labels.

Additional Considerations

Note: Ensure the Magento_Rma module is enabled in your Magento 2 setup. If you've encountered issues with missing attributes, verify your module's installation and check for any errors during setup.


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What Are RMA Attribute Options in Magento 2?

RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) attribute options define return reasons, conditions, and resolutions in Magento 2.

Which Attribute Codes Are Used in Magento 2 RMA?

Magento 2 RMA includes four main attribute codes:

  • resolution
  • condition
  • reason
  • reason_other

How Do I Retrieve RMA Attribute Options in Magento 2?

You can fetch RMA attribute options using the Magento\Eav\Api\AttributeOptionManagementInterface interface.

What Code Snippet Retrieves RMA Attribute Options?

Use the following code snippet:

$options = $this->attributeOptionManagement->getItems(

How Do I Fetch Options for a Specific RMA Attribute Code?

Call the function with the attribute code:

$rmaAttributeCode = 'condition';
$rmaOptions = $this->getRmaAttributeOptions($rmaAttributeCode);

What Is the Expected Output When Fetching RMA Options?

The output will be an array of option IDs and labels:

    [7] => unopened
    [9] => damaged
    [8] => opened

Why Are RMA Attribute Options Important?

They help define return conditions, making the RMA process smoother for admins and customers.

Where Can I Learn More About RMA Attribute Options?

Check Magento 2’s official documentation for more details on managing RMA attributes.